The Secret Society of Human Work Advocates
The Secret Society of Human Work Advocates


Verdant Consulting and PeopleNotTech are sponsoring a new initiative called “The Secret Society of Human Work Advocates - Community and Pods” which aims to empower HR not just talk about it. The premise is that there are hundreds of these Advocates within HR suffering that they can’t do more and we’ll help them find a way to transmit their vision to the exec team and re-establish their sine qua non partner in a growth role that has been sadly subdued if not lost over the past decade. 

Duena Blomstrom - PeopleNotTech CEO, author of the Human Debt concept and original Anti-Human-Debt Fighter and Dr. Allessandria Polizzi, Verdant Consulting CEO and Human Work Advocate talk about all things Human Debt in and out of the Workplace with the help of other Fighters and Advocates out there in the working world. 

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