The Secret Society of Human Work Advocates
The Secret Society of Human Work Advocates


Verdant Consulting and PeopleNotTech are sponsoring a new initiative called “The Secret Society of Human Work Advocates - Community and Pods” which aims to empower HR not just talk about it. The premise is that there are hundreds of these Advocates within HR suffering that they can’t do more and we’ll help them find a way to transmit their vision to the exec team and re-establish their sine qua non partner in a growth role that has been sadly subdued if not lost over the past decade. 

We’ll talk about that conversation space more in the next episode and dissect the Mission/Manifesto/ReadMe of the idea (- it’s a working initiative, team, and we’ll need all of you who care or it won’t work!) but meanwhile, here is the first episode and you should also be able to find it from all major podcast distributor too. 

The pod is a space to have loads (and loads!) of people managers of all types express what Human Debt they see, and we’re happy to facilitate whatever makes them feel safe from the anonymous forum to voice filtered interviews and it will be the same format you see there, ex-HR, lived-it-all-people-exec good cop who understands exactly where you come from aka Alessandria and Human Work Pusher in Chief and perceived bad cop -as I’m so impatient with the snail-like pace of change- aka yours truly, plus regulars that will be equally honest and passionate.

TEAMING space in TRELLO  board is public but you’ll need to ask for access to edit

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